Announcements and News

Licensing Application Process

Jillian Lynch //
A $200 check from the camp made out to “Treasurer, State of NH” A completed “Youth Recreation Camp Program Application,” found here: https://www.dhhs.nh.gov/oos/cclu/ycp/documents/campapplication.pdf A completed Rules Checklist found here: https://www.dhhs.nh.gov/oos/cclu/ycp/documents/checklist.pdf A COPY of the results of the national background check for the camp’s owner and/or director – both if they are different people. If the camp is...

2024/2025 Economic Impact Study

Jenne Walker //
You may recall that last year, we worked with MBA students at Tuck Business School to get an updated version of the 2008 Economic Impact Study, which Tuck students also completed. After last year's data collection, it became evident to us that to accurately portray the economic impact that camps have on the NH economy, we'd need an additional year of data to compare results year-over-year. So, to that end, we have again partnered with Tuck Consulting and respectfully request that you...

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