As any camp director knows, keeping expenses under control is essential to providing the kind of quality experience we strive to provide for our campers. You already spend precious dollars belonging to other member organizations like the American Camp Association (ACA), paying for your camp license, running background checks on staff, getting reliable insurance coverage, keeping the lights on and the water running... do you really need one more membership fee?
It takes more than staying "in the black" to run a top-notch camp. Years of experience helps, as does training, education, and the kind of knowledge and confidence that is so hard-earned. That's where the New Hampshire Camp Directors Association comes in. With nearly 100 member camps, you can tap in to the expertise that all of us have, rather than relying on yourself alone!<
The goal of our website is to be a comprehensive resource, where you can get every question answered. The world of camp professionals is a small one, and having easy access to those facing similar challenges can be a considerable help as you grapple with important decisions. Our community is eager to help you, and we're equally enthusiastic to hear what you can contribute to the rest of us.
Of course, that's just the beginning. What else do you gain through membership in the New Hampshire Camp Director's Association?
- As a member camp, you'll have your own listing in our Camps Directory, where you can maintain current information on your dates, tuition, and other important information that parents can browse as they start their search for the perfect camp match for their sons and daughters. We devote considerable resources to keeping our website coming up first in internet searches for summer camps in New Hampshire, and we can boost your own website's visibility at the same time.
- The Directors Drop-In Zoom sessions, every FIRST and THIRD Thrusday of the month is where camp directors like yourself, as well as program staff and anyone else working for our member camps are sharing information in a free-flowing conversation about any and all topics related to camp. Would you like to see what other camps do in their Counselor-In-Training programs? Ask, and ye shall receive! Not sure where other camps are getting their lifeguards certified? Got a great tip on a hot new vendor offering great deals on Stand Up Paddleboards? Join the conversation during our zoom sessions, and pay it forward! Zoom sessions are informal and all conversations are welcome! For the zoom link, check your email for the NHCamps Newsletter to login.
- We keep up-to-date links to the forms and information you need to get your camp licensed every year, keep your water testing current, stay on the right side of Department of Labor regulations, and more. You don't have to scour the internet for the right information – we've got it here for you.
- When you need to find a provider for insurance, transportation, credit card processing, or other camp necessities, you can start your search with our business members, listed conveniently in our Business Directory. They support us, so we hope you'll support them.
- When will Marine Patrol be inspecting boats in your area? When can you send your staff to take their Commercial Motorboat License exam? What's the latest on pending legislation that might affect your camp? We post that sort of information regularly in our News and Announcements section. Check it regularly, or subscribe to the RSS feed, and you can stay current without having to remember it on your own.