These organizations support us... Please support them!


Address: 14 Horseshoe Pond Lane
Concord NH 03301

Phone: 603-226-0299

Website: www.nhlakes.org

Email: info@nhlakes.org

The New Hampshire Lakes Association (NHLAKES) is the only statewide, member-supported, nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting New Hampshire's lakes and their watersheds. NHLAKES offers a range of educational resources-to local associations and camp programs geared toward developing lake stewards of all ages. For more information, please call 603-226-0299 or visit our website at www.nhlakes.org.

Business membership does not imply an endorsement of products/services by the New Hampshire Camp Directors Association/NH Camps.  Certifications/trainings offered by Business Members may or may not meet NH Licensure requirements nor national accreditation standards.

NH Camps appreciates the support of all business members. Business members’ dues help support the NH camp industry and the great work member organizations do with young people. List your company today.