2022 Commercial Boat Inspections and Testing Information Jenne Walker / posted on Wednesday, March 9, 2022 NHCDA and Marine Patrol are pleased to announce the commercial boat inspection and CBL testing schedule for the upcoming summer. We are going back to our usual methodology of having various sites that camps can take their boats for inspection and send their personnel for testing. Please be aware that each camp may have COVID protocols that will need to be honored. This may include a vaccination requirement, pre-arrival negative COVID test, masks, cohorting by camp etc. Since testing may have to occur inside due to weather considerations, there may also be limits on the number of attendees a host camp can accommodate. Consider all this in your planning. Click on the links below for more detailed information. Documents to download 2022 Commercial Boat Inspections and Testing (.pdf, 1.1 MB) - 2959 download(s) 2022 Commercial Camp Calendar (.pdf, 150.47 KB) - 346 download(s) older"Recorded Session: 2021 Annual Meeting" newer"Recorded Session: 2022 DHHS Licensing Information Session"